Individuals listen to various genres of music, however, many choose to ignore the metal music genre. Many reasons exist as to why these individuals choose to do this. Many people are offended by various themes such as anti-religious imagery, profanity, aggression, and lewd behavior. The use of various styles of vocals that can not be understood by the casual listener are another reason this type of music is ignored. Many genres and sub-genres of metal exist and each one varies by the genre. Each genre has different styles of playing, singing, and content. This page is designed to get the casual listener to absorb more knowledge about this less popular genre of music.
Many individuals are intimidated about becoming a fan of metal music, either that person is concerned that the music will offend his or her religious values or that person is afraid of being judged. The metal community is one in which fans are devoted and passionate about the music. Fans are like a underground community of friends who speak the same language. Metal music offers many varieties of genres to choose from, some people start with nu-metal/gateway metal and find themselves fans of Norwegian Black Metal. This page is to familiarize a person with the various genres of metal. These include artists, descriptions of music styles, and common themes explored by various musicians.
The purpose of this webpage is for the casual music fan to further understand the complexity of metal music and not view it as only music for degenerates who don't want to make something of themselves, this is just a myth as some individuals who listen to metal are intelligent people. A surprising fact is that metal has roots in classical music structure. Some fans of Metal use it to motivate them to succeed in a positive manner. Fans of this genre of music vary in personalities just like the music itself. While this page is under construction, the page will see updates in the form of genre descriptions, band logos, biographies of bands, and user driven surveys to help ease the casual listener into the metal community.
The first item on the agenda is to explain the different genres of metal. Each genre of metal has a certain amount of subgenres within each genre. If an individual starts to listen to metal, they can begin with a specific genre, also known as a gateway genre. The person either moves on to try more extreme genres of metal or they stay content with the genre they chose. Here is a table listing each genre of metal.
Nu Metal
Thrash Metal
Black Metal
Death Metal
Industrial Music
Hybrid Genres
Doom Metal
Mainstream Heavy Metal
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